June 26–28, 2013, Department of Psychology and Educational Studies, Roskilde University, Denmark
This conference explores the conduct of everyday life in contemporary society. Although the study of everyday life has a long tradition within the social and human sciences, the question of how human beings as active sensuous subjects live their everyday life is rarely included in theoretical and empirical research. The conference intends to explore the conduct of everyday life as a basis for understanding the dilemmas and contradictions of how to live one’s life. How can we develop knowledge about and research into the active efforts of subjects to engage in everyday activities, tasks and participations across time and space? What kind of new forms of doing and thinking everyday life are emerging and how do they contribute to the remaking of the social world? How to reconceptualize subjectivity, agency and the possibilities for social and political change? The conference attempts to substantiate a critical situated approach to the experiences and actions of practicing human life in today’s social and technological world, and to debate how the study of subjects in the context of their conduct of everyday life can contribute to the development of psychological theory, methodology, and practice.
The conference offers a platform for scholars from psychology and other social and human sciences to engage in an interdisciplinary dialogue on the conduct of everyday life. We are interested in proposals for papers and symposia from diverse disciplines and traditions of thought contributing with theoretical, methodological as well as empirical work to the study of the conduct of life in and across the different arenas of everyday life (e.g. family, education, work, gender, health, migration, technology, environment, politics).
Keynote speakers include:
Ole Dreier, University of Copenhagen
Tim Ingold, University of Aberdeen
Silvia Federici, Hofstra University
Ute Osterkamp, Free University Berlin
G. Günter Voß, Chemnitz University of Technology
Abstracts should be no longer than 250 words and should include the full name, institutional affiliation and email of each author. For symposia an abstract of no more than 250 words is required, along with short (no more than 150 words) summaries of each individual contribution.
Please submit paper and symposia proposals to celc@ruc.dk by January 15, 2013.
Charlotte Højholt, Kasper A. Kristensen, Ernst Schraube
Chairs of the Conference