Die NGfP lädt zu einem Gastvortrag von John Borneman (Princeton University) mit dem Titel Law and the Incest Taboo: The Mother and the Father in the Imaginary Complex of the Sexual Abuse of Children.
Anthropological theorizing of incest reached an impasse when it arrived at the conclusion that the social significance of incest was its taboo. Elided in this formulation is the question of the regulation of sex, and the social-psychology of the transgression and enforcement of the incest taboo. In the contemporary Western world, incest has been subsumed under the more general category of child sexual abuse, and the problem of regulating intimacy between adult men and children. In response to the threat of child abuse, paternal authority and masculinity generally is being refigured. Based on ethnographic research on the therapeutic treatment and legal rectification for such abuse in Berlin, this paper focuses on the changed relation of the incest taboo to the father, the mother, and the authority of law.
Der Vortrag wird in englischer Sprache gehalten, die Diskussion wird jedoch in Deutsch stattfinden.
John Bornemann ist Professor für Anthropologie in Princeton. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte sind Culture and international order; political and legal anthropology; anthropology of memory, authority and identification, narrative theory and ethnographic method; urban studies, sexuality; Europe; Germany, Lebanon, Syria
Der Vortrag findet am 25. Juni um 19 Uhr in der Silberlaube (JK 26/101) der Freien Universität statt.